invoice factoring services

New Year, New Start: How To Start This Year On The Right Financial Foot

It’s 2019 and many businesses are saying “good riddance” to the previous year. It was a tough year for many of us, but thankfully 2019 is giving us all a chance to start fresh. The Commercial Finance Group has spent the last year (well, the last 40+ years) helping small and medium-sized businesses secure working [...]

2019-01-03T10:10:36-05:00January 14th, 2019|Invoice Factoring|

How To Get Clients To Pay Invoices Faster

We have three words that can instill fear into any business owner: slow-paying clients. Slow-paying clients or, worse, no-pay clients can wreak havoc on your business’s finances. Small businesses are especially susceptible to doom due to slow-paying clients as they often rely on receiving invoices to afford payroll and overhead costs. If this sounds familiar, [...]

2019-01-03T10:10:32-05:00January 1st, 2019|Invoice Factoring|

5 Invoice Factoring Mistakes Every Business Should Avoid

While invoice factoring can be an outstanding funding solution for small businesses and startups who need to improve their business cash flow, it can also come with a myriad of pitfalls if you do not handle the funding properly. Here at the Commercial Finance Group, we are passionate about ensuring our clients have access to [...]

2018-10-04T12:09:11-04:00October 24th, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

Common Myths About Invoice Factoring

When it comes to invoice factoring, there are a myriad of myths that surround this form of financing. From ideas that stem out of a lack of understanding to companies that have been led astray by inexperienced CPAs, bankers, or lawyers, invoice factoring has, in many ways, received an unwarranted bad rap. The good news [...]

2018-10-04T12:08:57-04:00October 10th, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

The Best Ways To Use Invoice Financing To Further Your Business

When it comes to invoice financing for small businesses, many myths surround this unique funding solution. A lot of the negative beliefs about selling accounts receivable to fund a business are due to misusing this funding solution. It is important that if you do choose to implement invoice factoring as a part of your company’s [...]

2018-10-04T12:08:42-04:00September 26th, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

The Importance Of Choosing The Best Factoring Company

In a previous post, we discussed the key benefits of factoring as a financing option for a small business or startup. For companies who are struggling to finance their business through traditional lending methods, factoring can be an excellent choice. It allows your company to access immediate cash flow, to fund further growth, and to [...]

2018-10-04T12:08:28-04:00September 12th, 2018|Invoice Factoring|

The Key Benefits Of Invoice Factoring

For some businesses, traditional lending solutions are not the right fit. In these cases, it can be difficult to obtain the working capital needed to ensure your business continues to operate smoothly. Here at the Commercial Finance Group, we specialize in bridging the gap between businesses who are deemed “unbankable” and the lending solutions they [...]

2018-10-04T12:08:02-04:00August 30th, 2018|Invoice Factoring|
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