Keys to Building Enduring Relationships

Relationships are the key to success in business.  It doesn’t matter if the relationship is between you and a co-worker, a referral source or a customer, without them you will fail.  All types of relationships are vital for a long and successful career. It is your responsibility to effectively build and nurture these relations.  And remember, a true, enduring, deep relationship takes time. Also, especially in this technology-driven world relationship building doesn’t come naturally or easily for most people. Below are five tips to help you in your endeavor.  

  1. Listen; everyone wants to be heard!  Listen more than you talk. For many, this is the most difficult skill to master.  It takes real focus to pay attention to the person speaking without thinking about the next thing you are going to say.  Taking notes will help you focus on them and what is being said. It will also send a signal to them that you are truly interested in what they are saying by showing them you think it’s important enough for you to write it down.  
  2. Question; when appropriate ask questions!  But make sure you ask quality questions.  Quality questions will lead to quality answers; limit the chit-chat.  By asking quality questions will help you ensure that you have a clear understanding of what has been said.  Also, ask open-ended questions to explore and probe as these will allow for a more in-depth two-way conversation. And remember what Voltaire once wrote “Judge a man by his questions rather by his answers”  
  3. Be yourself; be genuine, professional and positive; no one likes negative people. Let people see who you are, as it builds trust and respect.  It will make for truer, longer deeper relationships. Also, try to connect on a personal level through shared experiences/work history but don’t force it.  A true connection is meaningful and easily recognized. It requires taking some risks, but building a real relationship is worth it.
  4. Consistency; stay top of mind and be visible!  A business relationship is not a one-time transaction. Develop a communication system to ensure that not too much time passes between connections.  Establish a recurring visit/meeting to show your commitment, and in time, your efforts will pay off. Also, establish different forms of communication (phone, physical visits, email, personal notes); not everyone responds the same way, so you will need to vary your communication approach.
  5. Giveback; great relationships aren’t one way!  Give more than you receive. Make sure you are providing value to those who provide value to you.  One way to give back is to act as a filter in an information-heavy world and being this filter can make you credible and relevant.  In this time demanding world, the more relevancy and credibility you bring to the relationship, the deeper and more enduring it will be.

Finally, never forget the person in front of you is striving to be successful.  Earn their trust and respect and you will both prosper.

“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is the ability to get along with people.”  – Theodore Roosevelt.