Having the right people working at your company will go a long way towards the success of your business. When you are running a small business, this becomes increasingly true. Each team member will be vital in achieving the company’s goals. As your small business grows, your staffing needs will grow as well. Where there were previously just a handful of employees, there will now be departments and, subsequently, management roles.

As you go about hiring for these key positions, make sure you are looking for the right characteristics. Check out these top qualities you should seek out when hiring for management in your small business.

#1: The Ability To Think Creatively

When it comes to running a small business, there are numerous setbacks that you are sure to encounter. From a startup that has just launched to a small business in the first few years of operation, things are less than perfect during these beginning stages. In the initial stages of building a business, flexibility is a necessary trait for everyone in the company to demonstrate. When you are hiring for management roles, having a flexible mentality and being capable of thinking outside the box will be vital characteristics for success.

Look for candidates who can approach a problem from a variety of angles. Seek out people who will not settle for the status quo. As you tackle the normal ups and downs of small business life, having a team of creative thinkers will be key. This will allow you to find solutions to problems you are facing that might not be traditional but will be functional for where your company currently stands.

For example, here at the Commercial Finance Group, we help small businesses who are looking for unique funding solutions. One such solution, factoring, is often overlooked by small business owners and their management team simply because it isn’t a traditional funding method. The reality is that this creative approach is often the ideal solution for a startup or business just getting off the ground. When you work with creative team players, they will be open to ideas that are off the beaten track. This can allow your company far more flexibility in reaching success.

#2: A Desire To Constantly Learn

When you hire someone to your management team, you probably want them to have a decent amount of experience and knowledge in the area for which they were hired. However, even more important than previous experience is a desire to continue to learn. When you hire a manager who isn’t content to settle with their current knowledge, you will hire someone who provides you with an ongoing wealth of improved approaches and information.

Someone who constantly looks to improve themselves is an excellent asset for a small business. The reality is that during your early years as a company, there will be many hats for everyone to wear. Having key players on your team who can adapt and continue to learn will help your business as a whole. Stay away from people who have a know-it-all attitude and who exhibit a disdain for further learning.

#3: A Confident But Humble Attitude

You need managers who can lead with confidence. You want team members who won’t shy away from big projects but rather will tackle them with gumption. However, be sure that with a healthy dose of confidence also comes a healthy dose of humility. The best leaders are those who aren’t afraid to stand up and lead but are also capable of admitting when they are wrong. Humility doesn’t mean that a manager is constantly ragging on themselves or too worried about their failings to take on momentous tasks. Rather, someone who exercises humility can recognize when they have reached their end and they are willing to admit this.

For example, a confident manager will be willing to take on a project that might be out of their normal area of expertise. They will work hard to ensure things are handled smoothly and will help their team create goals and work towards success. However, they will also have the humility to know when to admit they are over their head and could use assistance. They will be able to candidly approach their team if they have made a mistake and they will own it. They will not wallow in this, but rather, they will humbly admit their failing and create a plan for improvement during the next phase. The pairing of confidence and humility in your management will ensure the long-term health of your company and the teams they lead.

#4: A Willingness To Go The Extra Mile

Small business life is not an easy road to take. If you hire managers for your startup, you need them to be willing to go the extra mile. They need to be people who demonstrate dedication and drive. There are great rewards to be reaped by working through the difficult beginning stages of running a small business but it isn’t for the faint of heart. Be sure that the people you hire for key management roles have a commitment to hard work and that they understand that there is a steep curve for getting a business off the ground.

When you hire team members who are willing to go the extra mile, be sure that you are also walking those miles with them. Take the time to recognize when your management goes above and beyond and ensure that there is a benefit for their dedication to your business.

#5: A Strong Skill Set In Research

No two days will be alike at your company and your management needs to be able to go with the flow. One of the best skillsets your managers can have is the ability to research and analyze as they go. Odds are good that on a weekly basis, your managers will run into questions, issues, and other roadblocks that they are not yet equipped to face. If they have the capability of researching and finding answers on their own, they will be able to make it through these hurdles.

Stay away from hires that look to you for every answer. Managers who need constant hand-holding are going to cost you valuable time that you don’t have to spare. While there are undoubtedly times that you might need to lend a hand to your managers, they should be able to research solutions on their own the majority of the time.

Helping Small Businesses Succeed

Here at the Commercial Finance Group, we work with small businesses who need unique lending solutions. From factoring to asset-based lending, we explore alternative funding solutions for businesses who aren’t considered candidates for normal lending options. If you are looking for assistance with funding for your business, please reach out to our company. Based in Atlanta, factoring and asset-based lending solutions are methods for funding that we offer across the nation. We look forward to helping your small business succeed.