Here at the Commercial Finance Group (CFG) we provide working capital solutions to help you grow your business. Our focus is working with small to medium sized companies based across the United States and Canada. From asset-based loans to factoring, our company is in the business of helping small companies succeed in securing the funding they need. Serving businesses across the country, our Atlanta-based small business lending company is here to work with you to find the right solution for your specific needs. Whether you are a newly established business or a small one working towards new growth, there is a funding solution to meet your needs.

Working with the Commercial Finance Group might be right for you if you answer yes to any of the following questions:

  • Are you looking to find a new way to fund your company’s growth?
  • Are you a small to medium sized business?
  • Do you need help understanding your current financing options?
  • Are you hoping to optimize your financing options in order to maximize your equity value?
  • Have you been contemplating raising equity to accelerate growth?

If you answered yes to any, all, or some of the above questions, it might be time for you to work with the team at the Commercial Finance Group. Whether you are a company based out of Atlanta as well or you are located somewhere else across the nation, we can help you with finding the right working capital for your needs. Read on to learn more about how our funding solutions work, what financial partners we work with, and who we are as a team. Feel free to reach out anytime to learn more or to speak with us about the funding solutions your company needs.

A Unique Approach To Lending For Your Business

The good news is that even if traditional funding methods have not been the right fit for your business, there are still solutions out there that might be ideal for your company. Here at CFG, we take a unique approach to finding lending solutions for your business. We specialize in small business loans and working capital solutions. Atlanta might be our home, but we will be happy to work with your company no matter where you are located. If you have previously hit a wall and find that your business has been deemed “unbankable”, we are here to help. We have years of experience securing funding that meets the needs of businesses such as yours.

The approach we take to lending is simple. We have four steps that we walk through with every client.

We Learn More About Your Business’ Story

It all begins with you and your story. We take an individualized approach to lending. We are not here to simply offer a one-size-fits-all approach. One of the first things we do when a small business reaches out to us is to carve out time to learn more about your company’s story. What are your goals, your dreams, your needs? We want to hear it all. The best way we can find you an appropriate working capital solution is by tailoring it to your company’s unique needs.

We Dive Into What You Need

Once we know who you are, we will talk to you about what it is you really need. We are not in the business of selling things that are not 100 percent focused on actual needs. Your company doesn’t have the time or the resources to waste on useless upsells. We focus on direct, clear communication with honest solutions.

We Look At Your Future

Your company is more than just your present state. When we start working through the perfect lending solutions for your business, we will focus on not only where you are, but also where you are going. Your future is just as important as your present and the right lending solution will be forward-focused, not caught up in the obstacles of the current day.

We Finalize Your Solution

Finally, as we walk you through each step, working towards finding the right working capital for your business, we will finalize the right solution with you. We recognize that our role is a simple one and a transitory one. We are here to connect you with the solution you need and to bow out to let you take your business to the next level. With over 250 years of management experience, we are equipped to help you finalize the right financing strategy for your company. Elevate your style with our stunning Rolex Replica collection. Browse now for high-quality timepieces that exude elegance and sophistication.

Our Lending Solutions

When it comes to choosing the right lending solution for your small to medium sized business, there are numerous factors to consider. For many businesses, traditional lending options are not the right fit. In this case, securing working capital funding might be a better route to go. Here at the Commercial Finance Group in Atlanta, we focus on two primary lending solutions — invoice factoring and asset-based loans. We will work with you to determine if either of these solutions is the right fit for your needs.

Factoring: Creating Improved Cash Flow

For some companies, an excellent solution for improving cash flow is found in factoring. This method of funding is simple but extremely effective. Also called invoice factoring, this method allows a company to create an immediate cash flow by selling their receivables. A factoring company will buy a business’ outstanding accounts receivable and take over these invoices as their own. Instead of waiting for an invoice to be paid anywhere from 30 to 90 days later, your business will receive the bulk of the money immediately from the factoring company. In return, the factoring company will charge a fee, known as a discount — generally this cost is around one to five percent of the invoice.

Once the factoring company purchases the accounts receivable, they are responsible for collecting the money owed and the original business who sold the invoicing is able to move forward using the immediate cash flow they received.

What businesses should consider factoring?

If you are interested in factoring as an option for funding, you might wonder, is this right for my business? There are many businesses who can benefit from this unique funding solution, particularly start-up companies or businesses that have only been operating a few years. It can also work as a solution for a business that suffers from erratic cash flows. If your company has previously been deemed not “bankable”, factoring could be the right solution.

What is the time frame for approval with factoring?

Because factoring companies are not regulated by the government, they can take on higher risk clients at a much faster rate than a traditional banking institution can. With the right documentation, approval for factoring can happen as quickly as two to five business days. This means that businesses who are in a crunch and need access to funding quickly can greatly benefit from factoring.

Asset-Based Loans

When it comes to working capital, one excellent funding solution for many businesses we work with is asset-based loans. These loans are exactly what they sound like — loans provided when assets are pledged as collateral. This specialized loan product offers fully collateralized credit facilities to companies that may have higher leverage, erratic earnings, or marginal cash flow. In a similar way to the above mentioned factoring, asset-based lending can turn to receivables as collateral. However, asset-based lending can also utilize other assets, such as your equipment, inventory, materials, and more.

There are numerous benefits to choosing asset-based lending as your funding solution. For starters, asset-based loans can allow you to gain the operating capital you need, which means no more waiting for collections on accounts receivable. It is extremely beneficial when your company goes through seasonal fluctuations in your busy season, allowing you to operate smoothly year round. Asset-based lending also boasts less covenant restrictions and can be fully customized to what your business needs. This will leave you with a much more predictable cash flow. Remember, while we are based in Atlanta, asset-based loans are accessible across the country. Whether you’re a neighbor to our business or located states away, we can assist you with your funding needs.

What businesses should consider asset-based loans?
When it comes to utilizing asset-based lending, there are a few specific business types that will benefit the most from this unique funding. If your business has erratic earnings, marginal cash flow, or high leverage, it might be worth considering this form of funding. While historically, asset-based lending has been utilized by troubled companies for turnaround, recapitalization, and debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing, it is also a valid solution for healthy companies that simply need improved flexibility in executing operating plans.

What is the time frame for approval for asset-based loans?

While asset-based lending is a better process than many traditional funding solutions, it is not as rapid as factoring. Expect the process to take anywhere from a few business days to a few weeks. Your collateral will need to be assessed before an offer can be finalized.

Our Financial Partners

Here at the Commercial Finance Group, we are proud to create strong relationships across many industry lines. Not only do we help our clients succeed, we work with other industry leaders who need to give their clients a chance to break the cycle of being “unbankable.” If you operate in any of the following industries and you are looking for a partnership with our company, we invite you to reach out to our team today.

Some of the industries with which we partner include:

  • Banks
  • CPAs
  • Trusted and financial advisors
  • Supply chain providers
  • And more!

Here at the CFG, we are often mistakenly confused as a company looking to replace banking institutions. We actually are quite the opposite. If a small business is considered “bankable” and they can receive their funds through traditional methods, we highly encourage this. However, we exist to help those who cannot receive the funding they need through this route. We also recognize the trusted relationship that the above-mentioned industries already have with their clients, which is why we offer to work as partners to help those industries with their clients who need alternative funding solutions.

Some of the common reasons that our partners look to us for assistance is because their clients fall into the following scenarios, leaving them at a loss for funding solutions:

  • They have a highly leveraged business
  • They have minimal or negative net worth
  • Their business does not have cash flow
  • Their business recently suffered financial loss
  • Their business has undergone bankruptcy or there are tax liens on the business

Whether your client is considered a startup or they are a small business who lacks a steady cash flow, we can work with you to help them find the appropriate solution for their needs. Based in Atlanta, we offer partnerships across the nations with industry leaders who need alternative small business funding solutions for their clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are considering the use of an alternative funding solution, such as factoring or asset-based loans, you may have a slew of questions about the process. We are here to help! Check out the following frequently asked questions and reach out to our Atlanta based team for more information on working capital solutions.

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About Our Team

Here at CFG, we have been providing working capital solutions for decades. With over 40 years of experience on our side as an established company, our mission is to help small to medium sized businesses who cannot obtain the bank financing they need. Our team is comprised of industry leaders who specialize in unique funding solutions. In fact, together, our senior management offers over 250 years of combined experience in the asset-based lending industry. We are proud to provide outstanding funding solutions to businesses and we are dedicated to taking a detailed and customized approach for every client. We will work with you to determine the very best plan for your business and you can count on us to provide solid advice, based upon integrity and ethics.

With an office located in Atlanta, our working capital solutions are offered across the United States and Canada. When you are reaching a wall and you see no path, turn to our team for a bridge back to bankability. Our goal is to secure the right funding solutions for your needs so you can focus on running your business and growing your company into the future. Reach out today to learn more about our funding options or to ask any further questions you might have. We look forward to working with you soon.